
The only men in shining armor a female creative needs

D&AD #20 Most Awarded Creative 2018
Horizont #1 Most Awarded Campaign 2018 in Germany
WARC #27 Creative 100 2019

New York Festivals
Grand Jury 2022
The One Show
Young Ones Student Jury 2021

CLIO 1x Grand Prix 1x Gold 1x Silver 3x Bronze 5x Shortlist
CANNES LIONS 1x Gold 4x Silver 5x Bronze 1x Titanium Shortlist 12x Shortlist
EUROBEST 1x Grand Prix 2x Gold 2x Silver 2x Bronze 4x Shortlist
ADC 6x Gold 1x Silver 11x Bronze 3x Finalist
D&AD 3x Graphite 5x Wood 2x Shortlist
ONE SHOW 2x Silver 2x Bronze 1x Merit
LIA 4x Gold 2x Silver 2x Bronze 1x Finalist
NY FESTIVALS 1x Gold 4x Silver 8x Bronze 12x Finalist

Detailed List

Cannes Lions
Most German Supermarket 1x Shortlist Titanium 1x Gold 4x Silver 5x Bronze 6x Shortlist
Help for Help 1x Shortlist
smart electric symphony 1 x Shortlist
Sound Shirt 1x Innovation Shortlist 2x Shortlist
Girl Who Couldn’t Cry 1x Shortlist

New York Festivals
Personal Daemons 3xShortlist
Help for Help 4x Finalist
Antidote 1x Bronze
Antidote 2x Finalist
German Supermarket 1x Gold 3x Silver 5x Bronze
EATKARUS 1x Silver 1x Bronze 4x Finalist
smart electric symphony 2x Finalist 1x Bronze
Sound Shirt 2x Bronze 1x Finalist

Inner Monologue 1x Shortlist
Most German Supermarket 1x Grand Prix 1x Gold 1x Silver 1x Bronze 1x Shortlist
EATKARUS 2x Shortlist
Help for Help 1x Shortlist
smart electric symphony 1x Bronze Clio Music
smart electric symphony 1x Bronze 1x Shortlist

Sound Shirt 1x Diversity Shortlist
Help for Help 1x Wood
Help for Help 2x Shortlist
Most German Supermarket 3x Graphite 3x Wood

ADC Germany
Help for Help 1x Bronze, Antidote 1x Bronze
Most German Supermarket 3x Gold 1x Silver 2x Bronze
EATKARUS 3x Finalist
smart electric symphony 4x Bronze
KreativPhoenix Contest – 1st Place

ADC Europe
Help for Help 1x Nomination
Most German Supermarket 3x Gold

ADC Global
EATKARUS 2x Bronze
Most German Supermarket 1x Bronze

Personal Daemons 1xFinalist

Creative Pool
Personal Daemons 1xShortlist

Radio Advertising Award
smart electric symphony 1x Nomination 1x Honorable

smart electric symphony 1x Award

German Digital Award
Help for Help 1x Silver
Most German Supermarket 1x Bronze

Spotlight Festival
Most German Supermarket 2x Gold

Deutscher Werbefilmpreis
EATKARUS 1x 1st Place 1x Shortlist

Golden Award of Montreux
smart electric symphony 1x Gold

Comm Awards
Help for Help 1x Silver

Most German Supermarket 1x Gold

Bea World Festival
smart electric symphony 1x 3rd Place

Galaxy Award
smart electric symphony 2x Silver 1x Honors 

Help for Help 2x Honoree
Most German Supermarket 2x Winner 1x Nominee

Sound Shirt 1x Netexplo Innovation Award with Cute Circuit

Most German Supermarket 2x Gold 1x Silver
Help for Help 1x Silver, 1x Bronze

The One Club/The One Show
Future Mart 3x Shortlist
Instacart 1x Finalist
Personal Daemons 2x Merit
Most German Supermarket 2x Silver 2x Bronze